Do you accept Cash on Delivery (COD)?

N0, as of now cash on delivery is not accepted.

Do you also facilitate international shipping?

Yes, we do have international shipping for our products.

Do you provide tracking ID for shipping?

Yes, we do provide the tracking id for your orders.

Which shipping service provider do you use?

We usually use SPEED POST for domestic shipping and DHL EXPRESS for international shipping.

What about website images and real images?

Irregularities can occur, as these are handmade items. Also the lighting and screen resolutions make a difference.

How do you assure product quality?

We go through every single product before it is dispatched to our customers, to ensure good quality and assurance. 

How much time does it take to ship the product?

Usually within 2-6 working days of the order placed.

How much do you charge for the shipping fee?

For India, its free. For international, it varies with location to know more on international shipping kindly reach out to us.

Do you offer exchange and refund?

No, as of now we do not accept any exchange or refund.